What is a data table in Care Diary?
In Care Diary, you can store a lot of data and we represent that data in the form of tables so that you can different types of operations on this data.
Here are some of the things you can do with Care Diary data tables.
The first step is to open a table by logging in to the Care Diary using the login page and then go to a section that already has some data by using the left menu.
Once you are on that page, you will see your data in the form of a table
You can sort the data on basis of specific column by clicking on sort icon of that particular heading
You can delete or edit a particular entry by using the edit and delete button under actions.
By default, we only show 10 results per page in the table but you can change it by selecting a number from the dropdown next to "Rows per page" at the bottom of the table
In order to move between different pages in your data table, you have to use the buttons given in the bottom right corner of that table.